There are many reasons why you can be feeling down and not in a good mood. The problem is, if you get stuck in these negative emotions for long, it can affect not only your general wellbeing and happiness but also the people around you and the work you do.

This is why it is important to learn to be equipped with the right strategies, to lift your mood so that you can be more joyful and more positive in your daily actions and interactions. And as you know, positive emotional states are the drive for positive behaviors and great outcomes.

Why You’re Feeling Down 

There are many reasons why you could be feeling down. Brain chemicals, hormones, unmet expectations, adverse experiences, too much stress, negative thoughts, and loneliness are some of the scientific reasons why you could be feeling sad or moody. The good news is most of these causes can be managed quickly with the right strategies

7 Steps to Improve Your Mood

1. Watch what you are eating

Have you ever heard the expression “having a gut feeling”? Food affects your mood. Gut health and diet can positively or negatively affect your mood. Eat whole foods and avoid packaged or processed foods, which are high in unwanted food additives and preservatives that disrupt the healthy bacteria in the gut. 

2. Meditate regularly

Meditation can help you better handle stress and negative emotions. Meditating can be as simple as closing your eyes, breathing naturally, and focusing on each inhalation and exhalation. Do this several times a day or every time you start feeling stressed. Meditation can help you improve your self-awareness and recognize when bad feelings start crawling up so you can stop them or dissociate from them before they take over your day.

3. Be grateful

Have a gratitude journal. A change in perspective will do wonders for your mood. At the start and end of each day, write one thing that you are thankful for.

4. Practice optimism

Practicing optimism doesn’t only improve your mood, but it also leads to better heart health, a stronger immune system, and more successful relationships. Consciously choose to think positive and happy thoughts.

5. Hang out with uplifting people

Negativity and pessimism are contagious. Avoid listening to constant complainers. Instead, surround yourself with people who support and inspire you.

6. Stay active

Exercising regularly boosts your mood. In as little as five minutes of moderate exercise, you will already be able to experience its mood-enhancing effects, according to Michael Otto, Ph.D., professor of psychology at Boston University. 

7. Have a purpose

Your purpose in life is what truly keeps you focused and motivated to keep going. Find your why. What is important to you? This will help you prioritize better so you can also get rid of tasks that waste your energy.


You have the choice to improve your mood quickly. Do the following:

  • Eat healthily and exercise.
  • Find time to meditate each day.
  • Be grateful.
  • Practice optimism.
  • Surround yourself with inspiring people.
  • Know your purpose.